Back to the Future - Save Our Potential Future-Past Generation a look at "Longtermism: a call to protect future generations"

     I read an article titled "Longtermism: a call to protect future generations. The article bought to light the importance of thinking about our future generations and the role(s) we as the current generation play in the development of our future. This article states "And when we consider how many future generations there might be, and how much better the future could go if we make good decisions in the present, our descendants' chances to flourish take on greater importance. In particular, we think this idea suggest that improving the prospects for all future generations is among the most morally important things we can do." I most definitely agree with this statement. 

     Cody Fenwick did a good job pointing out the fact that Foote couldn't have known the outcome of her discovery when she discovered the mechanism of climate change. As the article stated "she couldn't have foreseen how future demand for fossil fuels would trigger a consequential global rise in temperatures." This is equivalent to Back to the Future not knowing the impact it would have on future generations at the time of its creation. At the time when the movie first came out talking on cell phones and video conferencing was definitely a thing of Science-fiction and movies. But now it's a part of our everyday lives. 

    Cody did an excellent job of highlighting both sides of the situation as he detailed why individuals might decide not to care about future generations. We don't know if the future will bring forth a small amount of individuals or a vast amount. If we look at the current and past numbers then we can assume that if we don't cause extinction the future generations will amount to a vast amount of individuals. Check out Cody's full article at:

     Longtrmism: a call to protect future generations does an excellent job of giving various examples of why the current generations should care about the future generations. What happens in the future can have direct correlations with todays events. If our current actions might hurt or help future individuals then I think it's in the best interest of the not only the future and current generations but also in the best interests of the other animals and the planet itself to care and think about our potential future-past generations. We never know at what point time travelling might become apart of our everyday lives. If that happens then we might not only have to worry about our future generations but also those who have the ability to travel forward and backwards throughout space and time. At this point in time it's just my imagination. But one never knows at what point science will catch up to our imaginations and the movies. 

     We need ideas and help from our communities as well as our government officials to properly address the issues of ensuring we properly save our environment so that we can save our potential future-past generation(s). 


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Back to the Future - Save Our Potential Future-Past Generation(s)